Rest for Resistance
Rest for Resistance strives to uplift marginalized communities, those who rarely get access to adequate health care or social support. We center the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).
We create healing spaces for LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals, namely queer & trans people of color (QTPoC), as well as other stigmatized groups such as persons with disabilities, sex workers, immigrants, and those living at the intersections of all of the above. View upcoming events.
Since 2017, this website has been a space to showcase experiences that are too often silenced. We are in the beginning phases of planning to relaunch our publishing efforts to feature more original writing and art from QTBIPOC who wish to disrupt mental health stigmas.
Photo by Axel Eden
QTPoC Mental Health
Founded in March 2015, QTPoC Mental Health is a grassroots trans-led org that creates online and offline spaces for community members to practice being our whole selves. Join our Facebook group, QTIBIPoC Healing Space, and follow us on Instagram @qtpocmentalhealth.
Next Steps
We're continuing to host meditations virtually, as well as a monthly yoga class. R4R recently hosted our 2nd annual REST FEST to reclaim our community’s right to rest. New in 2023 is Burnt Out Activist Club, meeting Wednesdays on Zoom. Our team is also working toward a sustainable organizing structure.