In "Honor, the Scorned," Xelestial's soul is in constant turmoil with the encounters of love she has in her life, as well as her insistence and demand to be seen under her terms. We enter a transient space of time and magic in this performance ritual with Xelestiál's body, heart, and soul.
Because we encompass gender defiant ideologies and reject the mainstream, we who visibly navigate queerness, who practice transfeminism, miss out on the queer capitalist extravaganza that everyone else benefits from.
Pride can look like resting with our ancestors, resting with the ones who paved the road of the movement blocks that guide our liberation.
I’ve finally allowed myself to be honest with myself. And as a result, I’m able to be honest with my partner.
They’ll talk Native issues so it seems like they care / But LGBTQ2S issues are Native issues because we’ve always been here
Family meant loving what was not there. But then we grow up. And we learn that to draw close is to survive. And to draw close is maybe even something desirable.
Does adoption count as something chosen? What part? For whom?
Be vulnerable / Speaking your truth / Even when it shaves your soul / Naked / Leaves your heart in tears / Sheds your fear in pieces
I proceeded to tell them what happened. I didn’t have much in the way of details—believing that’s what they wanted to hear—but what I did share left them in a state of slack-jawed shock. They asked me to imagine for a moment if I had done to her what she had done to me, where I might be at that very moment.
I know few get the opportunity to heal. That’s the motivation that drives me to do healing justice work. But in offering community support, I often forget that I’m part of the community too, that I deserve access to heal from trauma. And those “I don’t deserve _____s” are all giving voice to my survivor’s guilt.
Past experiences of broken confidence held me back, and I had even less confidence that I would be able to find a queer competent, POC identified behavioral health professional with sexual assault experience who was worth investing time, money, and trust in.
Communication is super, super important. Yet no one really taught me how to communicate about sex. I’ve begun to ask myself why I am so afraid to be seen.
A video featuring Eve Xelestiál Moreno-Luz. “My perception as a self identified femme brings forth waves of validation to the divine I know myself to be.”
What we always lack vocabulary for is our feelings. We don’t know how to express them without navigating through the shame of being a feeling person first. We don’t know how to ask without demanding.
I stopped being at the mercy of other healers when I began to heal myself.